Can you create a good learning strategy?
The holder of this badge has created game-plan for one of his learning objectives that is a thoughtful articulation of what he has and what he needs so that the learning goal is achieved.
[ ] the game-plan starts from a careful evaluation of resources, opportunities and barriers to learning;
[ ] the learner has selected learning methods & tools that are fit for purpose while being aware of a wide array of options;
[ ] the game-plan has concrete sessions/tasks scheduled in calendar with reminders if necessary (or any other organization that works);
[ ] a significant proportion of the sessions are dedicated to practice;
[ ] the reflection activities are set up in such a way that most of the practice sessions benefit from feedback and insight from past sessions and the experience of others;
[ ] the sequence of steps in ordered in such a way that energy and motivation for the learning process is saved and regenerated along the way;
[ ] the learning process has enough stakes so that quitting is not an easy option;